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My Results

HiPAL is a cognitive well-being app which takes into account multiple cognitive factors including memory performance, reaction time, and judgment of learning. This comprehensive analysis results in a nuanced score that spans a range from 0 to 100. A higher score on this scale corresponds to a more favourable evaluation of your cognitive health and functioning.

The score generated by HiPAL is adjusted to accommodate demographic variations (age and sex) providing an accurate measure of cognitive well-being.

An invaluable feature of HiPAL is the opportunity it offers to compare your individual score against a reference point derived from data collected from a healthy cohort. This reference score, referred to as the “cohort average,” acts as a meaningful benchmark. It allows you to understand the context of your cognitive performance in relation to a larger population, enhancing your ability to interpret your results more effectively.

Incorporating cutting-edge cognitive science and statistical modelling, HiPAL empowers you with insights into your cognitive capabilities while placing your results in a broader context. By evaluating memory, reaction time, judgment of learning, and other cognitive factors, HiPAL provides you with a comprehensive view of your cognitive health, fostering a deeper understanding of your mental well-being.

What do my results mean?

If your result falls within the cohort average that means your performance is within the range of a group of healthy people. Your age and sex influence your score which means someone with a different age might complete the test in the same way you do but get a different score.

If your score is higher than the cohort average, you are performing above average for your age.

There are many reasons why your score could be below the cohort average as many things can influence our memory performance; lack of good quality sleep, alcohol use, high levels of stress, and mental health issues like depression and anxiety can all play a big role in memory performance.  Should you be worried about your memory, please contact your doctor.

Next Steps...

To monitor your progress over time you can complete a HiPAL test every  month. A convenient timeline view allows you to easily see how your score changes over time.

If you are worried about your result at any point in time, please contact your doctor.